[pulseaudio-discuss] /.
remrot at gmail.com
remrot at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 06:10:28 PDT 2009
/me just wants to notice that /me likes PulseAudio :)
Seriously, I think that PA is the most important change to the Linux sound
system that happened within the last few years. Although I suffered from
some of it's bugs, I think PA has great potential and I also like (and want)
it's features! The latter seems to not be the case for most of the people
that commented to the slashdot "article". I still have to think about that
guy that almost went crazy about the great "sound stack" on his 486. I
wonder why he ever bought new hardware and upgraded the OS? Maybe because
one day he tried to use more than one application at a time? One other dude
even claimed that there cannot be latency-free gaming when using a sound
server. I wonder if he ever heard of that game-industry-leading OS called
Windows? Some people seem to always live in the past, it would be best to
ignore them...
I'd also like to notice that I am (currently) an Ubuntu user and still use
PA! Although the setup is not perfect, I am able to playback and record
sound, and this has been the case with every Ubuntu version until today. I
also play a lot of games on Linux (and I don't mean sudoku, but multiplayer
FPS) and never had an issue with latency. I had some issues with not working
sound or crashing games in the beginning, but all of them have been solved!
I'm really impressed with the pace of the transition to PA, especially with
how many applications have implemented "native" PulseAudio support,
including non-free applications like flash and skype! I cannot remember when
a totally new technology has been accepted so fast within the last years...
It is totally normal that such a transition comes at a cost, but it seems
that some people don't understand that or are not willing to pay it. Maybe I
am not the right person to judge them though, since I work as a developer
and I'm used to the "collateral damage" of such transitions. But I can
imagine that it's really hard for you PA developers having to face such
harsh critics and explain everything you do over and over again...
/me wants to say THANK YOU for your work and /me hopes that PulseAudio will
live on and finally become everything you (and me) wants it to become!
2009/10/19 Colin Guthrie <gmane at colin.guthr.ie>
> You'll no doubt be aware, but:
> http://linux.slashdot.org/story/09/10/19/0155235/PulseAudio-Creator-Responds-To-Critics
> It's full of the usual ill informed rants, but obviously user experience is
> a tough one to judge as a huge chunk of the "user experience" with pulse is
> really down to the distros, and we have no control over that for most
> distros :(
> Col
> --
> Colin Guthrie
> gmane(at)colin.guthr.ie
> http://colin.guthr.ie/
> Day Job:
> Tribalogic Limited [http://www.tribalogic.net/]
> Open Source:
> Mandriva Linux Contributor [http://www.mandriva.com/]
> PulseAudio Hacker [http://www.pulseaudio.org/]
> Trac Hacker [http://trac.edgewall.org/]
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