[pulseaudio-discuss] module-tunnel.c: Server signalled buffer overrun/underrun

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Mon Sep 28 12:53:11 PDT 2009

'Twas brillig, and Antoine Martin at 28/09/09 18:46 did gyre and gimble:
>> You may have to dig through the code and work out why the under/over
>> runs are being signalled.
> What is really odd (and that I forgot to mention) is that both servers
> are idle: not playing anything as I didn't get that far.
> So why would I get overruns/underruns?
> There shouldn't be any data exchanged apart from the initial handshake,
> or just occasional sync packets of some sort (dunno the inner workings
> of PA).

Well basically the tunnels connect and sit about and pump the data back 
and forth. When pulse is not running, silence will be rendered unless 
the sinks enter an idle state and are suspended.

Actually thinking about it, perhaps the problem is the lack of a proper 
idle state? Maybe you'll get more success if you ensure that 
module-suspend-on-idle is loaded too?

Also just to save another problem, if you are using pulse 0.9.16 through 
0.9.18, you should be aware tunnels are broken!

The necessary patches are on the 0.9.18-stable branch, so update to 
0.9.18 and grab the additional patches! 0.9.15 should be fine.



Colin Guthrie

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   Tribalogic Limited [http://www.tribalogic.net/]
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