[pulseaudio-discuss] RtKit help

David Henningsson launchpad.web at epost.diwic.se
Mon Jan 4 22:39:49 PST 2010


I'm trying to get RtKit for my application up and running, and in the lack
of an rtkit mailing list I'm using this one as the closest I could find

I'm using the reference implementation almost unmodified and end up with
an "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied" - "Operation not permitted"
error. It's the dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block that fails and
I'm not sure whether it is coming from rtkit or from D-Bus itself. If I've
done something wrong with setrlimit or sched_reset_on_fork, is that the
error to expect?

I know from the PulseAudio verbose log that PulseAudio itself manages to
use RealTimeKit, it's just my app that fails.

Thanks in advance,
// David

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