[pulseaudio-discuss] limits on maximum device volume?

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Wed Jan 6 05:31:08 PST 2010

'Twas brillig, and Lennart Poettering at 06/01/10 13:18 did gyre and gimble:
>>   I stumble into it almost every day — I have event sound enabled
>> and set significantly louder than music and movie streams volume.
>> Everytime I click a button having something played in background,
>> I get temporary loudness bump.
> Uh, no. That is not what happens here. If it happens for you then
> probably one of your apps is bypassing PA, or the dB data exported by
> your sound card is incorrect.
> When we increase the sink volume because one stream needs it we
> digitally attenuate all other streams to compensate for that.

I still see this too, but not for the full duration of the louder sound,
just at the fringes - e.g. when it starts and when it ends.

We discussed the problem a while back Lennart and you reckoned it was
something that wasn't going to be solvable at the time.

It's noticeable with music volume set to e.g. 17% and event sounds set
to 100%. Testing just now it's much better than I remember it being in
the past, but still definitely there and quite obvious.



Colin Guthrie

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