[pulseaudio-discuss] M-Audio FastTrack Pro

David Kågedal davidk at lysator.liu.se
Thu Jan 7 08:31:32 PST 2010

Colin Guthrie <gmane at colin.guthr.ie> writes:

> 'Twas brillig, and David Kågedal at 07/01/10 15:52 did gyre and gimble:
>> Lennart Poettering <lennart at poettering.net> writes:
>>> 3) fallback to the descriptive name alsa uses for it which often
>>>    enough is very generic, such as "USB Audio".
>>> And I asked you to add a pretty string to usb.ids and submit that to
>>> the official database so that everyone can enjoy a nicer string.
>> Sure, I will do that. But I'm still not sure I understand why we aren't
>> using then perfectly good name "M-Audio FastTrack Pro" that apparently
>> is reported by ALSA in /proc/asound/cards.
> See Lennart's point 3 above. In *your* case it's nice, but apparently in
> the majority of cases it's not nice and totally generic which is no use
> to anyone.

Yes, the USB information is nice for me. But PA shows a broken string
that it seems to have invented itself. So far, nobody has been able to
explain why it does that (until you gave a suggestion below). If it had
simply used the USB information, I would have been happy.

> Cheking your product, it does indeed look like it's missing from the usb
> ids database:
> https://usb-ids.gowdy.us/read/UD/0763
> (as 2012 is missing).

Yes, I already wrote that in my mail.

>> In 2) in your list, are you saying that PA reads "FastTrack_Pro" from
>> somewhere? lsusb -v also lists the name without underscore.
>>                 device.product.name = "FastTrack_Pro"
>>                 device.serial = "M-Audio_FastTrack_Pro"
> These two ultimately come from UDEV:
> udev_device_get_property_value(card, "ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE")
>  and
> udev_device_get_property_value(card, "ID_SERIAL")
> So I guess udev puts the underscores in.

Thank you. Finally a pointing finger.

So why is udev giving us a mangled name? And why is PA using that,
rather than using the information it obviously can get from the device?

> Col
> PS FWIW, I have a similar issue wiht my USB speakers. I put mine in the
> database a while back, but it should be able to get it without this info
> anyway.

I can do that too, but I think that when M-Audio actually manages to
include useful USB descriptions, we should be able to use that in
PA. Good information from the source (the vendor) should be encouraged.

David Kågedal

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