[pulseaudio-discuss] [RFC] [PATCH 0/2] HFP AG integration with PulseAudio

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Fri Jan 29 08:35:52 PST 2010

'Twas brillig, and João Paulo Rechi Vita at 29/01/10 14:53 did gyre and
> I forgot to add, suspending of the sink/source seemed to cause
> disconnection by the AG, so you might want to disable
> module-suspend-on-idle when testing. BTW, Lennart, is there any way to
> mark a source/sink to not be suspended?

Don't quote me but I think you just handle the sink message
PA_SINK_MESSAGE_SET_STATE and make it a noop and don't pass through to
calling pa_sink_process_msg(o, code, data, offset, chunk);

I catch this message in the raop-sink module but I *do* pass it on to
the above function.

I could be wrong with the above tho' and there may be a simpler way.



Colin Guthrie

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