[pulseaudio-discuss] Man page clarifications

Paul Menzel paulepanter at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Oct 21 01:01:57 PDT 2010

Am Donnerstag, den 21.10.2010, 08:49 +0200 schrieb David Henningsson:
> I'm relaying a bug comment to this list, the reporter has ideas about 
> the PulseAudio documentation. He originally filed a bug about that when 
> adding a pair of lines to ~/.pulse/default.pa and PulseAudio stopped 
> working, as he was unaware that it caused /etc/pulse/default.pa not 
> being used. I think it's healthy to get bug reports like these, could to 
> know what confuses users and what makes PA harder to use.
> Bug report link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/663019
> ===== Comment from B Bobo begins here ===


I agree that it is good to get this user feedback. Please thank B Bobo
for taking the time to write this down.

Could you ask him, if he is willing to provide a patch with the changes
he can do.

        $ git config --global user.name "Real name"
        $ git config --global user.email b.bobo at example.org
        $ git clone git://git.0pointer.de/pulseaudio.git
        $ cd pulseaudio
        $ gedit *files for manpages*
        $ git commit -a
        $ git format-patch -n # n = number of commits
        $ # either send those files to the mailing list http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/Community#MailingLists
        $ # or use git send-email


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