[pulseaudio-discuss] Bluetooth HSP sink is more likely to cause buffer underrun when moving a live stream to it from ALSA, how to ask application to write more data?

Lin, Mengdong mengdong.lin at intel.com
Thu Jun 16 19:36:34 PDT 2011

I found when moving a running live stream (of Gtalk) from an ALSA sink to a new created Bluetooth HSP sink, buffer underruns and rewind flood can happen and so I can no longer hear the voice from the other side. I've tried the following methods but still cannot avoid buffer underrun 100%. Could anyone share any idea about other methods?

Here are the methods I tried:

1.       Using the application original requested latency when moving sinks, with patch of Arun http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/pulseaudio-discuss/2011-June/010291.html

But, I found the original latency (200ms) is still not enough to overcome excessive underrun. After I increase the audio latency to 500ms, there are no excessive underruns for most time. But not 100% safe.

2.       Force the implementor to rewind by itself when underrun happens. (original audio latenty 200ms is used on moving the sink)

I found for the BT HSP sink cannot really rewind, because It does not implement "request_rewind" function on the sink and its "sink->thread_info.max_rewind" is 0.

So I modified handle_seek() function in the "protocol-native.c" to let the implement rewind by itself:

if (indexw < indexr) {

            /* OK, the sink already asked for this data, so

             * let's have it usk us again */

            pa_log_debug("Requesting rewind due to rewrite.!");

            pa_sink_input_request_rewind(s->sink_input, (size_t) (indexr - indexw), TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);

            + /* amanda: to fight BT underrun */

            + if(s->sink_input->sink)


            +    pa_sink * sink = s->sink_input->sink;

            +    if(!sink->request_rewind && !sink->thread_info.max_rewind)

            +    {

            +        /* the sink cannot handle rewind, implementor rewind by itself */

            +       sink_input_process_rewind_cb(s->sink_input, (size_t) (indexr - indexw));

            +      }



Unfortunately, excessive rewind cannot be avoided and the voice is frequently interrupted.

What other method can I try? How to ask the application to feed more data?
Does the application write data during sink moving so that there are some data buffered for the destination sink?

Great thanks!

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