[pulseaudio-discuss] [tx-devel] Retrieving a list of changes

Michał Sawicz michal at sawicz.net
Tue Mar 1 05:43:21 PST 2011

Forwarding to keep pulseaudio-discuss in the loop.

Dnia 2011-03-01, wto o godzinie 15:23 +0200, Dimitris Glezos pisze:
> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 2:45 PM, Michał Sawicz <michal at sawicz.net> wrote:
> > Dimitris, you talked to Lennart some time ago about retrieving a list of
> > changes that could be converted to a list of commits (AFAIK that was
> > mostly related to pulseaudio, but it might be useful for others, too, if
> > integrated into the tx client). Could you please tell what can be done
> > in that direction? Where should I look? Any comments on implementation?
> The idea is to have a history of translations (per-string) which can
> lead to a more generic way to retrieve past translations. diegobz is
> working on the string history.
> Then, we can add versioning of the template files themselves (think
> en.POT or en.ts). These are used to export files by populating them
> with the translated strings.
> Once we have these, we could implement a Tx plugin which could export
> past versions of the file. An API call can export a list of past
> versions of the file, serialized in JSON format.
> Finally, we could extend the transifex-client to get that serialized
> history information and convert it to git commits in a branch. Merging
> it and pushing the changesets should work.
> Hope this helps! We could have a ticket and discuss the implementation details.
> -d

Ticket filed: http://transifex.org/ticket/705

Michał Sawicz <michal at sawicz.net>
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