[pulseaudio-discuss] MacOS X Support

Stephen Lee sl33nyc at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 13:57:59 PST 2011

Sorry for following up on my own email, but am I missing something obvious
and being completely dumb?  :)


On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 9:34 AM, Stephen Lee <sl33nyc at gmail.com> wrote:

> I git clone'd master yesterday, successfully compiled, and ran PA on my
> MacOS X machine.  I was pleasantly surprised to see the Coreaudio modules!
>  I successfully tunnelled audio from one of my Linux machines to my MacOS X
> w/o using esound, but I noticed that iTunes wasn't included as a client when
> I was playing it and then checking list-clients from the PA cli.
> Generally, what's the plan for being able to manipulate native MacOS X
> clients/streams via PA?  It'd be great to replace the AirTunes (AirPlay)
> functionality that Apple offers.  If this functionality is still a work in
> progress, is there a workaround?
> -Stephen
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