[pulseaudio-discuss] What's module-gconf do?

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Wed Mar 2 06:06:00 PST 2011

'Twas brillig, and Ng Oon-Ee at 02/03/11 13:36 did gyre and gimble:
> On Wed, 2011-03-02 at 14:23 +0100, Michał Sawicz wrote:
>> Dnia 2011-03-02, śro o godzinie 20:59 +0800, Ng Oon-Ee pisze:
>>> Hi, some googling and the normally reliable (but slightly old)
>>> pulseaudio wiki doesn't show anything, what's module-gconf do
>>> specifically? 
>> It reads and applies some network-related and simultaneous output
>> preferences on runtime, which are set by paprefs in gconf.
>> Cheers
> So it would just do nothing if I do not use paprefs?

Yeah it's pretty much useless without paprefs..

It's basically a generic module loader. paprefs writes quite generic
keys into gconf which specify which modules and their arguments. paprefs
has the specific "knowledge" of the modules and writes the keys accordingly.

I intend to deprecate this at some point and replace it with a generic
module loader API in PA itself. Then I'll merge paprefs into pavucontrol
and/or other DE specific UIs



Colin Guthrie

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