[pulseaudio-discuss] Volume algorithm

Tarantism tarantism at ntlworld.com
Sun Mar 6 14:55:51 PST 2011

On Sun, 2011-03-06 at 22:48 +0200, Tanu Kaskinen wrote:
> Are you planning to use the module outside Maemo 5 (I assume you're
> talking about Maemo 5)? I ask because Pulseaudio's internal API that
> modules use isn't stable, so modules that aren't part of Pulseaudio
> itself break very likely if you try to use them with any other version
> of Pulseaudio than what they were compiled against. If Maemo 5 is enough
> for you, then you probably won't have problems - I don't think
> Pulseaudio will get significant updates on that OS anymore.
Yes, I am planning to use the module outside Maemo 5.
No, I wasn't aware that this plan was doomed to inevitable failure ...
I'll have to look into that

> The volume system on Maemo is a bit peculiar. The system volume doesn't
> touch any sink volumes (except with bluetooth in HSP/HFP mode), all
> volume control is done by adjusting stream volumes. If you want to use
> the same volume as eg. the music player, set the media.role property of
> the sink input to "x-maemo". That's a special role for pretty much
> everything else than phone and event sound streams.
That figures. Thanks very much!

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