[pulseaudio-discuss] [PATCH 1/2] Log feature: Add a new log target to a file descriptor

Maarten Bosmans mkbosmans at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 11:46:47 PDT 2011

2011/3/21 Becker, VincentX <vincentx.becker at intel.com>:
>>>'Twas brillig, and Vincent Becker at 18/03/11 10:23 did gyre and
>>>> This patch enables logging of text debug messages (pa_log feature)
>>>into a file or a device driver.
>>>> Example : pulseaudio --log-target=file:./mylog.txt
>>>Many thanks for your perseverence here. We were beginning to worry we
>>>were annoying you too much with constant tweaks for a relatively simple
>>Hi Col,
>>I actually crashed my Linux environment, this is why it took me some
>>time to recover and get back to you.
>>>I did actually make a couple extra tweaks on top of this one which I've
>>>attached FYI. One of them was to fix the double close that Arun pointed
>>>out before and was still in this version.
>>>If I've cocked it up, please feel free to publicly humiliate me in a
>>>manner of your choosing.
>>No worries! It's cleaner like that I admit.
> OOOps! I just noticed a naughty integration error of mine. Unluckily, in the process of redelivering, I did not retest so in daemon-conf.c, it is implemented in the wrong function pa_daemon_conf_set_log_level. It should be in the function just above pa_daemon_conf_set_log_target. Both functions look very similar and are one above each other, so there was still a tiny chance to mess up ! Sorry, sorry..
> Should I resent by the way a corrected version ?

The first patch is already in git master, so you better send a patch
against that.

> Vincent


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