[pulseaudio-discuss] Pulseaudio passthrough branch doesn't read /etc/pulse/default.pa

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Wed Mar 23 16:44:11 PDT 2011

'Twas brillig, and Dark Shadow at 23/03/11 23:30 did gyre and gimble:
> Pulse stopped reading /etc/pulse before I put the file into ~/.pulse.
> Here is everything I did
> Install Ubuntu
> edit /etc/pulse/default.pa to add my hdmi sink
> ...everything works for awhile...
> update to the passthrough git branch to get dts-hd passthrough with xbmc
> my sink is gone and /etc/pulse/default.pa isn't being read
> copy just that file into ~/.pulse and the sink starts working again
> I don't even have a daemon.conf in ~/.pulse

Ahh that's probably because you compiled the branch that way.

You have to pass --sysconfdir=/etc to configure for it to look in that
folder. By default (i.e. no arguments to configure) it will be



Colin Guthrie

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