[pulseaudio-discuss] open pavucontrol of another user

Martin Hamant martin at sound4.biz
Mon Aug 27 03:23:01 PDT 2012

Hi there !

I am working on a custom ubuntu distribution (based on lucid) that runs:

- mpd - as mpd user - spawning it's own pulseaudio session.  (it is the 
default configuration).
-  At least one regular graphical user that uses gnome and pavucontrol ; 
who uses it's own pulseaudio session too.

-  I want this normal user(s) to be able to control mpd's pulseaudio 
properties !
- I don't want to run mpd as a 'normal user'  - for many reasons... the 
main reason is there is only one MPD daemon but there can be several 
'normal user'. And it would requires editing the config file afterward 
the first user creation.

  By reading http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/PulseAudio 
<http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/PulseAudio> and using 'sudo -s -u mpd -H' I 
was able to use pacmd, but launching pavucontrol just returns 
"connection refused". Any idea ? ( I also see that as 'mpd' user , 
strace'ing pavucontrol , it tries to connect to 
/home/regularuser/.pulse/xxxx-runtime/native ... instead of 
/home/mpd/...  ?)

Any direction to achieve that ?

Thanks !!
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