[pulseaudio-discuss] how to find out PulseAudio's base rate (44100?) from ALSA?

Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle at t-systems.com Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle at t-systems.com
Tue Jan 17 06:51:41 PST 2012


I've been using open with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_RESAMPLE to no avail with PulseAudio.
When using plug:dmix, resampling was disabled, and using the usual snd_pcm_hw_params_*
functions, I could identify that dmix prefers 32bit samples at 48000 (at least on an Intel HDA machine).
Similarly, hw:0 will reveal that it can only play 16bit stereo at 48000 and 44100 (IIRC).

How can I find out PA's preferred rate? 44100 is found in one of its configuration files on an
Ubuntu system, but I'd like the alsa_plugins to tell me that when I'm using snd_pcm_open("default").

The reason is that Wine's mmdevapi advertises one preferred format. Ideally, you'd
want that to match the audio device that Wine uses. That works with hw:0 and dmix,
but I can't find out how to make it work with Pulse.
Currently it looks like 48000 gets downsampled to 44100 because PA pretends to support that rate.

Thank you,
 Jörg Höhle

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