[pulseaudio-discuss] asoundrc, configure one virtual device for both input and output

Tanu Kaskinen tanuk at iki.fi
Mon Jul 2 03:57:58 PDT 2012

On Mon, 2012-07-02 at 19:10 +0900, Amar Akshat wrote:
> Thanks for the compilation details, it all compiled in the 1st go,
> While modifying the code to accept source and sink parameter in the
> asoundrc, is it advisable to have to 2
> snd_pcm_pulse_t *pcm; objects ?

Two snd_pcm_pulse_t objects where? I would imagine that you don't have
to care about that - when you open both input and output in your
application, alsa will automatically create two pulse pcm objects behind
the scenes: one for input and one for output. I'm not really an alsa
expert, however, so it's possible that I'm wrong.


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