[pulseaudio-discuss] PulseAudio, Rygel, Headless server, and streaming to Onkyo TX-NR509?

Michał Sawicz michal at sawicz.net
Wed Jun 6 00:11:17 PDT 2012

Dnia 2012-05-23, śro o godzinie 22:33 -0400, John Clemens pisze:
> I -think- what I want to do is configure pulseaudio and rygel together
> to create a virtual sink device which will stream the audio output to
> the receiver.. then coax my music server software (subsonic) to play
> to the 'local' device.
Why wouldn't you just use the server as a DLNA MediaServer and the
receiver a MediaRenderer?

> To keep this message short, I'm not going to detail all the things
> I've tried via googling, and just ask... What do I need to do to get
> the above to work?
You would need a MediaRenderer as well on the server if you want to pass
it through pulseaudio, and then the receiver would play the stream from
PA, but why?

Michał (Saviq) Sawicz <michal at sawicz.net>
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