[pulseaudio-discuss] [PATCH v1 0/8] Bluetooth cleanup and bugfixes

Mikel Astiz mikel.astiz.oss at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 01:27:14 PDT 2012

From: Mikel Astiz <mikel.astiz at bmw-carit.de>

v1 version of the patchset with the following changes as proposed by Tanu:

- Patch v0 01/16 dropped because it was not strictly needed and there was not much interest from the maintainers.

- Patches v0 08/16 and 09/16 which modified the stream moving part have been now replaced by v1 1/8, which removes the stream moving entirely.

Regarding this second point, it should be considered if any use-case requires the stream-moving policy (HSP<->A2DP transition), and if yes implement it inside module-bluetooth-policy.

>From original cover-letter:

Another long patchset on Bluetooth, this time containing code cleanup and bugfixes. One of them, the isse solved in patch 4, was recently introduced in my previous patchset. Besides that, the main contribution is patch 14, which was a difficult-to-track double free.

Mikel Astiz (8):
  bluetooth: Remove stream moving code
  bluetooth: Check return value of init_profile()
  bluetooth: Check return value of start_thread()
  bluetooth: Add reference counting to transports
  bluetooth: Add hook to tell transport was removed
  bluetooth: Fix double free with reference counting
  bluetooth: Set to off if transport removed
  bluetooth: Set to off instead of failing module load

 src/modules/bluetooth/bluetooth-util.c          |  27 ++++-
 src/modules/bluetooth/bluetooth-util.h          |   7 +-
 src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c | 126 +++++++++++++-----------
 3 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)


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