[pulseaudio-discuss] Messing around with surround, also found a patch

Adriano Moura adriano.lols at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 18:55:50 PDT 2012

2012/10/16 David Henningsson <david.henningsson at canonical.com>:
> Most onboard sound cards that support 5.1 have 3 jacks: Green = front,
> Orange = center+lfe, Black = Rear/Back/surround.
> Those who support 7.1 have 4 jacks: Green = front, Orange = center+lfe,
> Black = Rear/Back/surround and Gray = Side.
> That looks to me as if the Side jack is the one extra, that should be silent
> (or extrapolated), when playing back 5.1 material on a 7.1 system.
> OTOH, referring to my receiver's manual, it defaults to upmixing the 5.1
> surround channels to be played on both rear and side in a 7.1 speaker setup,
> but has the option of playing it only on the sides, rather than only on the
> rear.
> Maybe this is a case where there are conflicting de-facto standards?

I guess you're right, pulseaudio (making the work of a receiver while
using analog outs) should properly take care of upmixing, defaulting
to a sane setting like arranging REAR 5.0/5.1/6.1 as SIDE 7.1 when
using 7.1 output. Possibly also letting the user change it a bit.

Taking all this into account, I've split the patch into 2, the first
fixes WAVEEX, adds basic 6.1 support and adds the "non standard" 6.1
ALSA map, which must not break anything but workaround software that
misuses this map.

The second is just an optional and a temporary way to swap REAR with
SIDE in 5.0/5.1/6.1 mappings which I don't expect to be merged. We
should eventually have something definitive by using calc_map_table
just like Tanu said.

I've also made small changes to the WAVEEX assumptions, supports 4.0
and looks a bit more clean.

2012/10/16 David Henningsson <david.henningsson at canonical.com>:
> Nevertheless, it sounds like this is something to be fixed in OpenAL rather
> than PulseAudio? Better specify the channel map explicitly.

That's fine, but, let's make WAVEEX mappings useful for now. If it
fixes OpenAL that's a bonus.
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