[pulseaudio-discuss] New to pulseaudio mixer logic, can you explain this effect to me?

Andrea andrea at z80.it
Tue Apr 30 19:10:52 PDT 2013

> On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 2:46 AM, Andrea <andrea at z80.it> wrote:
> > I recently upgraded from an old KDE3.5+arts installation to a full
> > upgraded debian wheezy with kde4.8+phonon4.6+pulseaudio2.0+alsa
> [..]
> > how can i configure the control logic to return to an approach more like an
> > analog mixer?
> Usually it works well, i.e. there are no noticeable volume changes in
> background streams.
> If it doesn't, uncomment and disable flat-volumes in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.

Thank you. 

This had the effect to let me use the pavucontrol in the manner i am used to.

The kmix applet in the taskbar works as expected, too, touching the master 
output control.

This had the also interesting effect of *disabling* the volume control of 
amarok (graphically it works, but have no effect)

It is possible that amarok is trying to set the master volume and this setting 
in pulseaudio is preventing that? if so is an amarok problem i think i will 
report if you confirm my thinking.

thank you again,

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