[pulseaudio-discuss] Server-side overrun notification

David Henningsson david.henningsson at canonical.com
Tue Jul 23 00:57:22 PDT 2013

On 07/21/2013 03:43 PM, Magnus Hjorth wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm wondering if there is any way for a libpulse application to query
> (or even better, to get notified through a callback) if an overrun has
> happened in a source in the server (inside the alsa-source in
> particular)? From what I can understand, the stream's overflow callback
> only gets called if the daemon's buffer overflows which is very unlikely
> since it's resized on demand and not for the underlying source. For
> example if I suspend the pulseaudio process during record and then
> resume it the overflow callback doesn't get called.

Unfortunately, this is not currently possible. I agree it would be 
useful for clients to know if samples have been dropped.

I guess the ideal thought is since that on overflows, the internal 
timing in PulseAudio changes so that this should not happen again, so 
this should not concern clients. However, what happens in practice is a 
different question :-)

David Henningsson, Canonical Ltd.

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