[pulseaudio-discuss] how to change the payload type while rtp streaming.

Anuj Jaiswal anuj.work92 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 15 01:32:25 PST 2013

While rtp streaming i want to change the payload type i.e i want to make it
to 16 bit stereo 48kHz and 8 bit mono 8kHz swithing between both during run
time, is there any API in pulseaudio to do that without changing the rtp.c
what i have tried is on the server side i have passed the freq =48kHz and
format as an argument to module-null-sink but on the client side there is
distortion in the sound and i have also tried to modify the daemon.conf but
it is also of no use.
Kindly provide some soulution.

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