[pulseaudio-discuss] multiple bluetooth headsets?

Georg Chini georg at chini.tk
Tue Aug 12 11:00:29 PDT 2014


I think it will work if you have one adapter per headset.
I can stream audio from my phone on one adapter and
pass it to a bluetooth headset on another adapter. It's
not two headsets, but quite similar. Tried this with bluez
4.101 and 5.21.


On 12.08.2014 18:58, Matt Zagrabelny wrote:
> Greetings!
> I grepped the PA discuss list archive and found the question:
> "I am wanting to stream to multiple bluetooth headsets at the same time"
> asked in 2012. The answer seemed to be that version 4.99 of bluez
> didn't support it, but you could compile the dev code and try it out.
> So....
> Is anyone successfully using multiple bluetooth headsets with PA?
> Thanks!
> -mz
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