[pulseaudio-discuss] Test and Evaluate Echo Cancellation in an Embedded Device

Caio caiortp at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 13:17:51 UTC 2016


Em seg, 25 de jul de 2016 às 00:54, Arun Raghavan <arun at arunraghavan.net>

> On Mon, 13 Jun 2016, at 08:08 PM, Caio wrote:
> > Hello Arun,
> >
> > Finally I got some good results.
> >
> > I'm loading the AEC echo cancell module using this cmd line.
> >
> > pactl load-module module-echo-cancel source_name=echosource
> > sink_name=echosink aec_method=webrtc channels=1 rate=8000
> > sink_properties=device.description="Noise_Reduction"
> > aec_args="analog_gain_control=0\ digital_gain_control=0\
> > drift_compensation=1 save_aec=1"
> >
> > OBS: I tried to use save_aec but I did not  succeed, the files are
> > created
> > in the /tmp but all the files were with lenght=0 bytes.
> >
> >
> > @Arun
> > These underflows sound bad. Does capture work fine without AEC?
> > The capture works good without AEC, I fix the capture with AEC using
> > tsched=0.
> >
> > I configured the rate and audio format in gstreamer and pulse to
> > format=S16LE and rate=8000. I used the tsched=0 to "fix" the audio
> > crackling, I don't know if is the best option to do, but works. I would
> > like to know if is a good choice.
> That sounds like your CPU isn't able to keep up at higher rates. Worth
> checking whether that's the case, and whether that is expected on your
> hardware. If not, maybe make sure you've compiled with the appropriate
> optimisations (for speex and webrtc-audio-processing).
> -- Arun
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