[pulseaudio-discuss] alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay

Georg Chini georg at chini.tk
Tue Mar 22 09:11:07 UTC 2016


when a sink is started, there is some delay before the first sample is 
really played.
This delay is a constant part of the sink latency that will be always 
present, so the
minimum sink latency cannot go below that start delay.
Would it be acceptable to adjust the latency range for the device after 
each unsuspend
to reflect that?
USB devices (those I have access to) for example have a startup delay in 
the range of
10ms, but have a latency range that starts at 0.5ms which does not make 
a lot of sense
in my opinion.
The startup delay is not constant, so the minimum possible latency would 

On the source side the startup delay is not relevant since it does not 
delay the signal.


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