[pulseaudio-discuss] USB headset Steelseries Arctis troubleshooting

Johan Heikkilä johan.heikkila at gmail.com
Sat Aug 26 18:09:49 UTC 2017

2017-08-26 16:12 GMT+03:00 Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk at iki.fi>:
> Instead of copying steelseries-arctis-mono.conf to steelseries-arctis-
> stereo.conf, make steelseries-arctis-stereo.conf an empty file. If you
> copy the file, both paths will try to control the same PCM element,
> which is not good.

Great! Creating an empty steelseries-arctis-stereo.conf did the trick!
Now there is a stereo and a mono output device with one profile each.
And they work in Gnome sound settings.

There is a small cosmetic issue. The devices in Gnome sound settings
are now named "steelseries-arctis-output-mono - SteelSeries Arctis 7",
"steelseries-arctis-output-stereo - SteelSeries Arctis 7" and
"steelseries-arctis-input - SteelSeries Arctis 7". The device names
obviously comes from  "<paths name> - <device name>". Is there a way
to set these?

Then there is the question of sound levels. Is there a way to increase
the default levels or is it left to the user to adjust in alsamixer?

For reference, here are the changes so far:

Johan Heikkilä
<johan.heikkila at gmail.com>
GSM: +358 50 589 33 22
PGP fingerprint: 716B1611DAC9267CE40CF90D6BC286B9F0FA6FD3
PGP signature: https://keybase.io/johanh/pgp_keys.asc

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