[pulseaudio-discuss] Module "module-bluetooth-discover" cannot be loaded.

victor puertas vic.puertas at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 2 15:43:38 UTC 2018

Dear all,

I am using Debian 9 and I noticed the following problem:

*Module "module-bluetooth-discover" cannot be loaded.

I am executing the following command in a terminal:

% sudo pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover

> Failure: Module initialization failed

I found a similar issue posted here<https://askubuntu.com/questions/689281/pulseaudio-can-not-load-bluetooth-module-15-10-16-04-16-10>

I performed the proposed solution (workaround), but it still does not work :(


pulse audio version: 10.0

blueman-applet: 2.0.4
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