[pulseaudio-discuss] Remaining PA process after X logout

Tanu Kaskinen tanuk at iki.fi
Mon Feb 26 09:12:44 UTC 2018

On Sat, 2018-02-24 at 11:17 +0100, Takashi Iwai wrote:
> Hi,
> we've stumbled on a long-standing issue with PA, namely, PA fails to
> start after relogin quickly.  The details and discussions are found in
>   https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1052437
> In short, the problem is that the session management removes
> $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR (/run/users/*) after logout while PA remains running.
> This leaves also the ESD socket in /tmp/esd-$uid, too.  When re-login,
> a new PA process is kicked off because the old socket in /run/user/*
> is gone.  Then it hits with the existing /tmp/esd-$uid, considering as
> a fatal error, hence it aborts.
> Now the primary question is what's the right approach to fix this.
> I guess the best would be to kill PA properly at each X session logout
> instead of self-killing after idle.  Then where's the best place to put
> that?

Does suse use systemd to manage the pulseaudio user service? If not,
what component does remove $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR? It would seem logical that
the same component would terminate services that break if their sockets
are removed.

What about fedora? I somehow would expect fedora to be eager to adopt
the socket activation feature in pulseaudio that has been available for
a long time already.

If you're using pulseaudio under systemd, it seems weird if all user
services don't get terminated on logout.

> And, why this seems appearing only on KDE or else but not in GNOME is 
> still another question.  Maybe there is any missing piece in other
> DEs?

Maybe the gnome session management doesn't remove $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR?



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