[pulseaudio-discuss] 100% volume limit bogus

liebrecht at grossmann-venter.com liebrecht at grossmann-venter.com
Fri Feb 8 08:09:31 UTC 2019

Thank you for introducing me to pactl
I mapped
pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +10%
To shift+VolumeUpButton on my keyboard.
I can now go to where I want.


The dreaded 40% max is still in place for a hapless user that gets my 
keyboard and starts pressing volume buttons.
Not knowing about shift they wont know how to get the sound up.

So the buggy sound volume is now used in my favor too.

Great solution.

The volume problems are solved with this.

Thank you for your kind help.

> There are no volume limits in pulseaudio. You can't make sliders
> infinitely long,
> so there must be some limit if you use a GUI like pavucontrol.
> See for example 
> https://freedesktop.org/software/pulseaudio/doxygen/volume.html
> for an explanation how volumes in PA work.
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