[pulseaudio-discuss] sink creation initialization timings

David Osguthorpe david.osguthorpe at gmail.com
Sun Dec 27 14:22:19 UTC 2020

Im trying to remap a 4 channel hardware alsa pcm device to change the
channel order.
Ive created a default.pa file in ~/.config/pulse which performs the remap
and sets the new sink as the default sink.

Under Ubuntu 20.04 this all works fine if I stop the pulseaudio daemon as a
user (under 20.04 by default the pulseaudio daemon is a user process) and
restart it.

If I reboot this fails - the log has 3 messages, master sink not found,
remap failed to initialize and sink does not exist - because it seems the
master sink does not exist at the time the remap is being done (only the
null sink exists I think).
The log shows that the sink I want as master is only created much later by
a some black box process to me - which also appears to be creating a lot of
other surround sinks.

I should note that before updating the default.pa file after I login and
run pacmd list-sinks there is only 1 sink which is the surround-40 sink
which is the original master sink I want to remap.

How can I delay the remap creation till this sink is created?

How are the raw Alsa hardware kernel pcm devices mapped into pulse?

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