[pulseaudio-discuss] pulse resolution change from jack

matt matt at librequest.org
Sun Sep 20 22:26:13 UTC 2020

Hello, my name is Matt I do the librequest podcast, not lately however. 
But anywho, Leo from MintCast in episode 344 has outlined a fix for 
pulse and jack interacting in regard to resolution changes in audio 
sampling and how they affect output processing when different 
resolutions are introduced to the pulse system. I didn't know if this 
could be implemented in a way that could fix the issue of the resolution 
changing for jack users during use of usb sound cards. I have 
experienced this issue since 2012 when I first used the Scarlett 2i2 and 
also with the solo that I currently use. He uses a different usb audio 
interface, not sure which one. But his solution is as follows.


Leo​remove the semi-colon and change the following lines

Leo​default-samplerate = 48000

Leo​alternate-sample-rate = 48000

Leo​then run "pulseaudio -k"

Leo​issue fixed!

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