[pulseaudio-discuss] pulsectl with pulseaudio 15.0

Tanu Kaskinen tanuk at iki.fi
Wed Sep 8 08:33:24 UTC 2021

On Wed, 2021-09-08 at 07:35 +0000, Matthias Mirbeth wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am using the pulsectl module to interact with the pulseaudio C API from my
> python application.
> This worked fine with pulseaudio 14.2 and previous versions but I can't get
> it to work with pulseaudio 15.
> Upon debugging the python code I found out that the state callback (assigned
> with pa_context_set_state_callback() ) gets called with a CONNECTIONREFUSED
> error right after the pa_context_connect() function is called.
> I built and installed pulseaudio from the git repository like this:
> > meson -Dbluez5-native-headset=false -Dbluez5-ofono-headset=true
> -Dbluez5=enabled -Dx11=disabled -Dalsa=enabled -Dtests=false ./build
> > ninja -C build
> > sudo ninja -C build install
> In the release notes I did not see anything related to the C API. Did I miss
> something there?
> Do I need to configure something differently?

"Connection refused" usually means that pulseaudio is not running or
libpulse is looking for the socket at a wrong place for some reason. If
pulseaudio is running, you can find the socket that pulseaudio is
listening at with "sudo netstat -xp | grep pulse". You can find what
socket the application is trying to connect to with "PULSE_LOG=4

-- Tanu

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