[pulseaudio-discuss] Error running from procmail

Adrian van Bloois adrian at pa0rda.nl
Sun Feb 20 20:09:32 UTC 2022

Hi Sean,
This seems a bit complicated, I tried something else.
I set the sticky bit on the morse binary so it was rwsr-xr-x but that
didn't work either.
Now I tried to run the same thing fron the crontab, on my laptops that
works very well, but on the PC I get:

pa_simple_Write failed

Somehow I feel it might be more of an alsa problem then an issue with
pulseaudio, but I'm no export.

On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 10:26:10PM -0800, Sean Greenslade wrote:
> The easiest thing would be to use sudo within the procmail command to
> change effective user to the user that has the pulse session. You can
> configure sudo to allow a password-less user change with a specific
> command string. Here is an example sudoers line:
> procmail ALL=(sounduser) NOPASSWD: /opt/scripts/do_sound_stuff
> This allows the user "procmail" to run the command
> "sudo -u sounduser /opt/scripts/do_sound_stuff" without requiring a
> password. If "do_sound_stuff" is a script, make sure that it's
> appropriately protected from editing.
> You might also need to add the following line to sudoers to allow
> headless commands:
> Defaults !requiretty
> --Sean

	Adri P. van Bloois

       "The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else
   will save it."
		Robert Swan.

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