[pulseaudio-discuss] Signal handling in PulseAudio

Chase Lambert chaselambda at gmail.com
Tue Jun 28 20:29:21 UTC 2022

This is a somewhat lazy question but it's not particularly critical, more
of just a curiosity. I notice when calling signals like `raise(SIGABRT)` in
the callback registered by pa_stream_set_write_callback, nothing happens. I
would expect the process to terminate. To be more specific, nothing happens
when this callback is hit beyond the first time.

Digging through the PA code I can't find any reason why this would happen.
The closest related thing I see is pa_reset_sigsv, but that sets the
default signal handlers, which should terminate the process.

Is there some part of the code I'm missing that would ignore SIGABRT?

fwiw I have Sentry installed, and I now realize why I'm not getting crash
dumps as I would expect sometimes -- because PulseAudio is not calling the
previously registered signal handlers as I had initially expected.

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