[pulseaudio-discuss] How to be sure about the quality of the audio?

Sergei Steshenko sergstesh at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 4 14:22:46 UTC 2023

Start from 
, paying special attention to "*DEFAULT**DEVICE**SETTINGS*".

If you upsample, say,16 bits up to 24 bits, you do not lose quality. In 
fact, if several channels are mixed, e.g. two channels from two 
different programs: sum = k1 * c1 + k2 * c2 , you gain quality because 
of smaller rounding errors.

Anyway, define quality first. And realize that if channels being 
simultaneously played have different sample rates, at least one of them 
has to be resampled WRT sample frequency.


On 04/02/2023 1:25, MilS Lion wrote:
> HI.
> Im having this issue:
> I subscribed to Qobuz (an Hi-res audio quality).
> I was using ALSA directly and with alsa, i just put this:
> sudo cat /proc/asound/IQaudIODAC/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params
> if it is a 16bit 44000Khz audio i get:
> format: S16_LE
> subformat: STD
> channels: 2
> rate: 44000 (44000/1)
> period_size: 2160
> buffer_size: 8640
> if it is a 24bit, 192Khz i get the adequate values.
> But with PulseAudio how to be sure about the quality of the audio?
> if i put the same parameter (sudo cat 
> /proc/asound/IQaudIODAC/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params ) i always just get the 
> sample rate and format that i config in the daemon.conf... it is not 
> relevant if the audio is actually 16bit or 24 and the Khz are 44000 or 
> 192000 or whatever.
> So... there is a command to know exactly the quality that is really 
> playing?
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