[pulseaudio-discuss] Crackling Audio in Pulseaudio RTP Stream

NicoHood pulseaudio-discuss at nicohood.de
Sat Feb 18 19:44:21 UTC 2023

Hey Guys,
I am using pulseaudio for years now, but since Version 14, maybe 15 
there is a crackling in the rtp stream. I've setup RTP just with 
paprefs, enable the sender and local receiver on a separate audio device.

I know that I am reporting this really late and the bug is there for 
some years now. I hoped this gets eventually fixed, but it did not. I am 
using the latest archlinux pulseaudio.

Are you guys aware of the issue, does it also happen to you? It is just 
a tiny crackling, but you can hear in on good audio boxes. It sound a 
bit like the vinyl sound, just not so often. You can hear it on the 
sender via loopback and on all other receivers as well.


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