[pulseaudio-discuss] pulse audio not output for some apps

Georg Chini georg at chini.tk
Mon Mar 20 17:14:21 UTC 2023


unfortunately the information you give is not sufficient to help you.
Can you at least supply the output of "pactl info"?


On 20.03.23 11:54, Igor Lerinc wrote:
> i cant use multiple apps in same time !
> so, i need to close app completely, in order for other to work !
> and that's why other apps don't work
> how to fix this
> On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 11:29 AM Igor Lerinc <igor.lerinc7 at gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>     I don't know what is problem, but i have latest system upgrade,
>     manjaro. and sometimes, pulseaudio is just buggy, some apps work
>     some dont
>     VLC player once work, once doesn't work.
>     I don't know why is this happening
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