[pulseaudio-discuss] Bluetooth audio connection issue for multi-user login

Georg Chini georg at chini.tk
Mon May 8 05:39:33 UTC 2023

On 06.05.23 08:07, Chengyi Zhao wrote:
> Hi guys,
> In Debian system, if I log in multiple users, the system will start 
> multiple PulseAudio processes at user level,
> when establishing Bluetooth audio connection with Bluetooth headset, 
> there will be a random use of a particular
> PulseAudio to start SCO connection, which cannot guarantee the current 
> user can use Bluetooth audio.
> How can we deal with this issue? Thanks a lot!
> Cheers,
> Chengyi


how should the system figure out, which user connected the BT device?


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