[pulseaudio-discuss] Problem with HSP/HFP profiles with bluetooth devices

Antoine Nauzet antoine.nauzet at gmail.com
Wed Sep 6 12:46:05 UTC 2023


I'm working on a Raspberry Pi 4, with an USB Bluetooth dongle, trying to
connect is to an android device as a hand free device.

My configuration is the following:

   - kernel version 6.1.21
   - bluez version 5.55
   - Pulseaudio version 14.2
   - ofono version 1.31

I manage to make the connection, and the bluetooth device is detected by
Pulseaudio. The HSP/HFP profile is available. But when making a call, after
a certain time, the HSP/HFP profile change to unavailable. The device is
still connected, I can play sound from the android device to the raspberry.
But the sound from the call is not working anymore.

What could explain the lost of the profil? Is there something to do to keep
it up?

I tried with the last version of pulseaudio, compiling it from the sources
get from the git repository. The version is now 16.99.1-8-g13ef0.
Now, when connecting the device, both HSP and HFP are not available! I
could not get them to be up.

Is there anything I have to do to make it work? When installing pulseaudio
with apt-get, I was installing pulseaudio and pulseaudio-module-bluetooth.
Is there something to include it when installing from the sources?

What should I check to start figured out what is going on?

Thank you for your help
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