I see no way to report a bug on "How to report a bug" wiki page

Martin Guy martinwguy at gmail.com
Tue Mar 12 12:49:57 UTC 2024

Il 12/03/24 07:38, Sean Greenslade ha scritto:
> On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 10:28:47AM +0100, Martin Guy wrote:
>> I see nothing saying how to report a bug, and the gitlab project does not
>> seem to have an "Issues" section.
> If you click the "community" link on the top bar, one of the first links
> on that page is the Gitlab issue tracker:

Thanks. I must have been tired that day,. And it wasn't a PA bug, it was 
mine, so just as well that it was well hidden.

Blessings & keep up the good work


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