Removing xc/lib/font/Type1 , Speedo and FONTCACHE support from Xorg default build...

Roland Mainz roland.mainz at
Sun Apr 25 04:36:53 EST 2004

Roland Mainz wrote:
> Are there any objections against that I remove the following stuff from
> the Xorg default build:
> 1. xc/lib/font/Type1/ - this code handles Type1 and CID fonts.
> Unfortunately the code is permanently crashing with "Beziers this big
> not yet supported" and that's more than anyoing... and the code is no
> longer be maintained since a longer time... and even Xfree86 has
> turned-off that code since the xc/lib/font/Freetype/ code has Type1 font
> support and does the job much better than xc/lib/font/Type1/
> Note: I am _not_ removing PS Type1 font support... Type1 fonts will
> still be supported after that change... don't worry... :)

I filed
("RFE: Xorg default build should run with |BuildType1| set to |NO|") for

> 2. Speedo font support.
> Xfree86 turned Speedo font support off, Sun turned it off and AFAIK
> there were no new fonts in that format since at least ten (!!) years. I
> propose to turn Speedo font support OFF and remove it from the default
> font path

... and
("RFE: Remove Speedo font support from the Xorg default build") ...
> 3. FONTCACHE extension support
> AFAIK Xfree86 removed that from their default build

... and finally ("RFE:
Disable FONTCACHE extension in the Xorg default build").



  __ .  . __
 (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz at
  \__\/\/__/  MPEG specialist, C&&JAVA&&Sun&&Unix programmer
  /O /==\ O\  TEL +49 2426 901568 FAX +49 2426 901569
 (;O/ \/ \O;)

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