Agenda for call tomorrow

Kevin E Martin kem at
Thu Aug 5 20:47:00 PDT 2004

Here is the agenda for tomorrow's release wranglers call.

* Bugzilla status
  - The main release bug is #351
  - I would like to get a status update on who is working on the blocker
    bugs and who is working on the other bugs

* Recruiting people for testing release
  - Status of recruiting testers

* Filling out requirements for success criteria
  - I have put together a more detailed proposal on what should be
    required for each column in the release status matrix
  - This should be considered a starting point and we should discuss
    what else should be added
  - Note that some systems do not have a compatible version of Freetype2
    installed on their system, so in addition to each build and install
    requirement below, defining HasFreetype2 as NO is okay (e.g., Red
    Hat 7.2 has freetype v2.0.3)

  - Build requirements:
    1. Build with no host.def file
    2. Build with BuildServersOnly defined as YES
    3. Build with DoLoadableServer defined as YES

  - Install requirements:
    1. Build and install with no host.def file
    2. Build and install with:
       (a) ProjectRoot defined to be something other than the default,
       (b) NothingOutsideProjectRoot defined as YES

  - Conformance requirements:
    1. Run the VSW4 test suite using either:
       (a) the dummy XFree86 driver (for those systems that use the
           XFree86 DDX), or
       (b) Xvfb (for all other systems)
    2. The VSW4 test suite can be found here:
       [Stuart Anderson: Is this the correct place???]

  - Run test requirements:
    1. Run the subset of tests listed below that applies to the platform
       being tested on at least two different driver families (where
       applicable).  For example, on an i386 system running Linux, you
       could run the tests using an ATI and an NVIDIA card.
    2. Tests for each driver family:
       - VSW4 test suite
       - x11perf
       - rendertest
       - Standard graphical environment
       - GL tests: glxgears, gloss, quake3
       [Note: This list needs to be filled out with more tests]

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