ChangeLogging commits to CVS

Vladimir Dergachev volodya at
Tue Dec 14 12:15:49 PST 2004

On Tue, 14 Dec 2004, Keith Packard wrote:

> Around 10 o'clock on Dec 14, Keith Whitwell wrote:
>> Is there a reason why the ChangeLog entry can't be generated automatically
>> from the CVS commit messages?  Am I missing something here?
> Yes, because CVS sucks.  You want to have the ChangeLog entry committed
> along with the other changes, but CVS doesn't make that easy and you end
> up double-committing.

Is it feasible to require our own version of CVS ? I might give a try at 
modifying it to suit what we need...


                            Vladimir Dergachev

> I finally gave up and just started using  If someone
> could fix that script to take directory arguments to look for changes, it
> would be a huge feature as running it from the top of xc takes way too
> long.
> -keith

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