X11R6.8.2 release plan updated

Torrey Lyons torrey at mrcla.com
Tue Nov 9 22:23:06 PST 2004

At 12:00 AM +0100 11/10/04, Roland Mainz wrote:
>1. "... Delegating patch approval to module maintainers. ...":
>We need to make a list (as quickly as possible) with (defacto) module
>owners. Module owners should post an email to release-wranglers with the
>following information:
>- Module name
>- Owners (real name + email (and the bugzilla email address if it is
>different from the normal email address)) and a list of peers (including
>real name and email address (and the bugzilla email address if it is
>different from the normal email address))
>- Directories which belong to this module
>For now I'd like to nominate:
>- Torrey Lyons <torrey at mrcla.com> for the MacOSX/Darwin port (Torrey
>needs to come up with a list of dirs)

For me, here are the modules and directories:

Module: Mac OS X/Darwin port
Dirs: xc/lib/apple xc/lib/GL/apple xc/programs/Xserver/GL/apple 
Other Files: xc/config/cf/darwin*.cf

Module: Generic rootless code
Dirs: xc/programs/Xserver/miext/rootless


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