[Bug 1896] libX11 support for pt_BR

Jim Gettys Jim.Gettys at hp.com
Tue Nov 23 12:43:11 PST 2004

> > 
> > I'm not doing anything with them or filing further bugs because it makes
> > you angry.  Tell me how to work without making you angry and I'll do
> > what I can to get them in and included in a way that doesn't kill you.
> Daniel, could you please stop acting like a troll?
> The approval process for the new release is very clear:
> 1. You make a patch
> 2. You get it reviewed on demand
> 3. You commit it to HEAD
> 4. You request approval for the release branch
> That is the order in which things should happen. Everyone has
> understood that. Except Daniel Stone. But Daniel Stone does not care
> since Daniel Stone is a law under himself and does not have to follow
> any guidelines everyone else is honoring.


This was uncalled for.  Daniel has worked long and hard to help get
freedesktop.org back together again after the break-in, and the process
is new and different relative to the previous release.

So give Daniel a break...
				- Jim

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