Release wranglers call today (Wednesday) -- 6.8 postpartum discussion

Kevin E Martin kem at
Wed Sep 29 04:08:28 UTC 2004

Here is the call info:
Dial: +1-919-334-5215 (or 1-888-435-5674)
Time: 11:00 am (Eastern Time US)
Code: 7334281

* Postpartum discussion (see notes below)

X.Org Foundation 6.8 release postpartum discussion notes

These notes serve to document the tasks and issues that arose during the
6.8 release cycle and are intended to be a starting point for further
discussion.  They are arranged into the following general categories:
scheduling, testing, and finalizing the release.

While the discussion below mainly focuses on tasks that did not work
well or need to be improved, it should be noted that the goal of the
release team was not to perfect the release process but rather to
improve it as much as possible.  I (and, from the comment I received,
many others) feel that the team was very successful and achieved its
goal given the constraints of the release.


Discussion of this release started in late May 2004; however, due to the
travel schedules of most X.Org Foundation BOD members, the schedule was
not finalized until mid July 2004.  The release was determined to be a
time based release since it was driven by several companies (most
notably Red Hat and SUSE) that needed to have a newer X Window System
release for their upcoming products.  Those companies needed to have the
release ready at the beginning of September 2004, so the date for the
release was initially set to 25 August 2004 in order to give a buffer
for problems that might occur during the release cycle.

The initial deadline for the release left us with a very tight schedule,
which had several consequences.

* The deadlines for the feature freeze and code freeze were severely
  compressed, which limited the features that could be added and limited
  the amount of testing that was possible.
* A few bugs that would have otherwise have held up the release had to
  be postponed until after the release.
* The number of new features added in this release was significant;
  however, most (if not all) had significant testing outside of the
  X.Org CVS tree before they were merged in.  The majority of the
  remaining testing and bug fixing for these features were due to
  interactions they had with other new components.
* It was challenging to keep people working on the features and bugs in
  order to meet the deadlines.  Gentle pressure was applied in most
  cases to help motivate people on the critical paths.  This will likely
  always be an issue for the release manager.
* Because the release cycle was compressed, it was not difficult to keep
  people focused on the release.  However, if the release cycle was
  longer, this will likely become a problem.

The schedule was broken down into three phases: adding new features,
fixing bugs and updating documentation.  The deadlines were set
approximately two weeks apart for each phase in order for the release to
be completed by the initial target date.

During the first phase, the tree was open to adding new features, fixing
bugs and updating documentation.  The primary responsibility was setting
up the initial wiki pages to describe the release plan and status,
making sure that the community members were aware of the release
schedule and coordinating with the authors of the new code to make sure
that everything was checked in before the feature freeze deadline.  This
phase went smoothly with only a small amount of additional work being
required to encourage a few of the committers to have their code checked
in before the deadline.

After the feature freeze, the work was limited to fixing bugs and
updating documentation.  The source tree remained open to all committers
to allow for the most people to find and fix bugs.  For the release
manager, the amount of time and effort required was significantly higher
in this phase.  The main tasks included:

* Managing the blocker bug list
* Holding regular release wranglers meetings (3 days/week)
* Keeping people focused on fixing bugs
* Reviewing and checking in fixes
* Resolving conflicts
* Encouraging testing (see testing section below)

Several suggestions were made by the release wranglers to help with
fixing bugs.  The most important of which was the release bug, which is
a commonly practiced method of managing a release.  Bugs that were
considered serious enough to hold up (i.e., block) the release should be
marked as blocking the release bug.  Bugzilla allows the release manager
to list the dependency tree of all bugs that block the release.  While
there were several attempts to explain how this worked, there was still
some confusion.  For future releases, it should probably be explicitly
explained on the release and status pages.

The release wranglers met several times per week -- usually Monday,
Wednesday and Friday mornings -- to focus on the blocker bugs and any
issues that had come up during the previous few days.  During these
meetings, the release manager asked for (and usually got) volunteers to
work on certain bugs.  The remaining bugs were left to the release
manager to investigate and resolve.  These meetings were invaluable to
the release manager.

Since multiple people were working on fixing bugs at this time, the
source tree remained open, which not only allowed the release wranglers
to check-in fixes, but also allowed other members of the community to
work on and fix issues.  The release manager monitored all of the
check-ins to make sure that new features were not being added to the

Other important contributions during this stage came from those testing
the release.  There were quite a few people who were just staring to
compile the tree and do testing.  They reported bugs and marked them as
blockers where appropriate.  Some pre-packaged binaries were also made
to help those who didn't have the experience of building the source
tree, but could help with testing.  These packages should be encouraged
and made more formal in future releases.  The general idea behind the
testing for this release was loosely defined, but the details had not
yet been worked out at this point, so the majority of the testing during
this phase was devoted to build and daily usage testing.

Two other bugs were added during this phase: the "hold open but not
block the release" bug and the release notes bug.  The "hold open" bug
turned out to be the less useful of the two since there was too much
other work to do that these did not get attention.  It is possible that
this bug might be more useful in future releases if the schedule is not
so compressed.  The release notes bug was very useful and over the
course of the release cycle it became the place where all documentation
issues were placed.

This bug fixing phase was extended by three days to allow several major
bug fixes to be completed and checked in.  It could have been extended
further, but the general feeling what that if we were going to keep on
track for a late August release, then we should go ahead and freeze the

After the code freeze, the work was limited to fixing all major blocker
bugs and updating the documentation.  As noted above, the transition
between the previous phase and this one was rather arbitrary to keep the
release on schedule; however, it turned out that the main difference was
that instead of everyone else checking in bug fixes, the release manager
was the only person allowed to check in changes.  Bug fixes were being
proposed and attached to the release blocker bugs, and the release
manager and/or the release wranglers would evaluate the change (where
possible) and apply the patch if it was accepted.

Looking back, having all bug fixes funneled through a single person
slowed down the bug fixing too much.  For future releases, we should
consider having a small team of people with write permission to continue
to check in bugs during the critical bug fixing phase.  Also, this
transition phase should probably happen before the code freeze goes into
effect, which would allow the code freeze phase to concentrate solely on
documentation changes and last minute critical bug fixes.

It was during this code freeze phase that the testing was finally
formalized.  Once the formal testing procedures were documented, many
more people started testing the release.  The test matrix was updated as
time permitted and as new test reports came in.  Ideally, the testing
should have been happening much earlier, but due to the compressed time
schedule the test procedures were not formalized until late in the
process.  See the next section on testing for more details of the formal
testing requirements for this release.

One action helped initiate the testing: tagging the tree with the first
release candidate.  This action along with the formalizing of the test
procedure appeared to catalyze the community around the release.  There
were four release candidates tagged during this phase.  Perhaps making
snapshot tags in the previous release process and defining the test
procedure earlier would have helped focus attention on testing before
the code freeze.

As active formal testing began, more bugs were found and fixed in a
relatively short period of time, but it soon became clear that the
release would not be able to happen on the original schedule.  The
number of bugs were remaining relatively constant during this time.  At
this time, a list of the current blocker bugs was sent out each night to
the mailing list to let people know the state of each blocker bug.

Over time the number of blocker bugs slowly shrank, and the focus
shifted from bug fixing to updating the release documentation.
Initially, the source tree was open to others making documentation only
changes, but as the release neared, the source tree was closed to all
but the release manager.  At that time, the release notes bug became
even more valuable to keep track of the features and bugs that needed to
be documented.

The documentation needed to be updated in several places.  First, the
release number is currently present in the following files in the
xc/docs directory:


Note that the documentation listed above is current as of the 6.8
release, and might change in the future.

The documentation in the xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc directory
also needed to be updated.  This documentation was built from the sgml
files in the sgml subdir.  The README, BUILD and RELNOTES sgml files
will probably need to be updated with every release.  The other files
should be updated by their respective maintainers as needed.  One
special file, defs.ent, contains the macro definitions for the current
and previous releases, and it was updated.  Next, the old XFree86
doctools were required to build the sgml documentation.  A few patches
were required to build the tools (thanks to Soeren).  Egbert added a file that describes what is needed to build and update
the docs in the source tree.

Once the documentation was complete, the last steps to finish the
development phase of the release were:

* Set the final version number and release date in the config/cf/
  and config/cf/ files
* Tag the tree with the release tag, XORG-6_8_0
* Create the release branch, XORG-6_8-branch

It was noted in an earlier release wranglers call that the branch could
have been created much earlier in the release.  Due to the compressed
time schedule, it was decided to hold off creating the branch until very
late to keep people focused on the release, instead of on new
development.  This should be reevaluated for future releases.

Additional discussion points:
* How should new releases be scheduled (i.e., if someone has a need for
  a new release, what should they do to get it scheduled)?
* Who/what determines the feature set for a new release?
* When should the stable release branch be created?  What are the
  consequences of creating it earlier or later in the release cycle?
* Who should have write access to the source tree during the various
  stages of the release cycle?
* When should the tree be tagged for snapshots and release candidates?
* Should the documentation be updated to a more modern format?  If so,
  should all docs be updated?


For the release to be successful and accepted by the community, it was
determined very early in the release cycle that testing the release
would need to be a priority.  The testing was broken down into two
parts: what platforms were to be tested and what tests were to be run on
those platforms.  During OLS, Stuart Anderson and I discussed both of
these issues and then presented it to the BOD.

First, we determined that, given the scheduling constraints, it would
not be possible to test all possible OS vendor, release, architecture,
video card combinations, so a subset was proposed as sufficient.  These
included the operating system, the architecture, the distribution and
release version number.  Each combination would define a platform to be

Next, we proposed a set of tests to be run on those platforms.  The list
included build, install, conformance and run test categories, and we
outlined what was required to pass each test category.  The tests as
well as the platforms were organized into a matrix and was added to the
freedesktop wiki:

On that page, the test matrix was included and instructions were given
for running each of the tests.  Initially the instructions were quite
sparse, but as more people ran the tests, they were expanded and

In the test matrix, the first three columns of each row defined one
platform to be tested, and the last four columns displayed the state of
the testing on that platform.  Entries were labeled with the release
candidate version that was tested and were given a green background if
the test passed or a red background if the test failed (or had not yet
been tested).

Names responsible for testing (or gathering the test information) were
put into the fourth column in an attempt to give people some ownership
and responsibility for testing a particular platform.  This was
moderately successful; however, there were a few problems with this

* The release schedule was incredibly tight and it was not possible to
  fully test all of the platforms listed.
* The amount of time to run through all of the tests was on the order or
  8+ hours (on a 1GHz PC running Linux).  Other platforms were
  significantly slower and some took days to complete the tests.
* Finding volunteers for testing (i.e., adding their name to the table)
  was not difficult as this was done early in the process, but it was
  not managed well enough.  Clear responsibilities should have been
  outlined so that this process could have been self-starting and
* Updating the test matrix was cumbersome.  Either giving this
  responsibility to those that volunteered to test a particular platform
  or automating it so that anyone can update the table would be better.
  The process for this release required that the release manager monitor
  the mailing list and update the release matrix as new reports came in.
* By the time the testing had begun, it quickly became clear that there
  were problems with the tests, which had to be addressed before any
  testing could truly begin.  These problems were worked out within a
  few days, but the delay caused confusion and slowed down the testing
  process, and ultimately led to the release being delayed.
* There was also confusion about exactly which tests could be run on
  each platform.  Certain tests could only be run on Linux systems, and
  comparable tests were not investigated for other platforms.
* The X test suite used was chosen for expediency and ease of use.  It
  was not necessarily the best one available.

The initial goal for testing was to fill in the entire test matrix
before the final release.  However, it became clear to the release
wranglers during the release cycle that the test matrix would not be
completely filled, so the goal was changed to fill in as much of the
matrix as possible before the release.

As noted above, testing is a very time consuming process and certain
tests lend themselves to automation.  Many people do not have the extra
test machines required to do run tests; however, for those that do,
automating the test process would certainly make it more likely that
testing would be done.  One key tool that automated part of the testing
procedure was tinderbox.  It allowed us to quickly notice when recent
check-ins broke the build process.  During many of the release wranglers
calls, tinderbox and related tools were discussed, and it was generally
agreed that these tools should be explored further to help automate as
many of the tests as possible.

Additional discussion points:
* What else should be done to improve the test instructions?
* How can the test matrix be better managed?

Finalizing the release

Once the main development tasks were complete (as outlined above in the
schedule section), the release was ready to be packaged and distributed
to the community.  This finalization stage included building the
tarballs and documentation, uploading everything to the appropriate
websites and handling the announcement/press release.

Historically, the source code for each public release is made available
through a set of tarballs.  Egbert created a script to automate creating
the set of tarballs from a checked out source tree.  Here is an outline
of the steps involved (to be run as root):

* Create a new directory that will hold the release
    mkdir /tmp/release
* Export the tagged tree to this new dir
    cd /tmp/release
    cvs export -r XORG-6_8_0 xc
* Untar Egbert's build scripts and cd to that directory
* Create a directory to hold the tarballs and run the source script
    mkdir final
    cd final
    ../source /tmp/release
* Rename the tarballs to the appropriate names for the current release
    cd source/bindist
    mv Xsrc1.tgz X11R6.8.0-src1.tar.gz
    [Repeat for each of the other src files]

Currently, there are seven tarballs created.  Their contents are
described in the README file that is shipped with the release (and can
be found in the documentation on the website -- see below).

In addition to the multiple tarballs, it was later determined during the
6.8.1 update release that creating one large tarball containing all
source code was desirable.  From the web logs, more people downloaded
the one large tarball than the set of smaller ones.

The website on freedesktop includes not only the tarballs (above) but
also the documentation for the release.  The website is arranged as


The binaries directory contains the pre-compiled binaries for various
operating system releases.  At this time, no pre-compiled binaries are
being made available.  We should consider doing this for future

The doc directory contains the html formatted documentation for the full
release.  This documentation is taken from ProjectRoot/lib/X11/doc/html
after doing both a "make install" and a "make" from a full
build of the release.  These html files also reference the PDF docs, so
the PDF sibling directory should contain the documentation from

The src directory contains the set of seven tarballs (described above)
along with the md5sums file.  The md5sums file can be created with the
following command: "md5sum *.tar.* > md5sums".  The src-single dir
contains the single source tarballs and their own md5sums.  For the
6.8.1 release, two single source tarballs were created: one in gzipped
tar format and one in bzip2'd tar format.  The bzip2 compressed tarball
was added since it has become very popular and is smaller than the gzip
compressed tarball.

The patches directory is normally empty for full releases (i.e.,
releases that have a patch number of 0).  For patch releases, this
directory would contain the patches necessary to bring the release from
the previous full or patch release up-to-date with the current patch
release.  See the 6.8.1 release for an example.

The next task of the finalization process is creating the press release.
This task took quite a while to get appropriate quotes from members of
the community, companies, etc. so it is suggested for future releases
that it be started well in advance of the preparation of the website
documentation and tarballs.  There are other steps required here, but
since I was not involved with this task, I will leave it to others to
describe the process.

The goal was to complete the tasks described above and make the release
available to the community on 9 September 2004.  Unfortunately, several
problems occurred and important lessons were learned about how to handle
the release announcements:

Many people were very excited about this release, and we hope that the
excitement and enthusiasm carries over to future releases.  However,
there were some who snooped around the website and found the source
tarballs before the official announcement had been made, and this got
reported to slashdot.  Since the X.Org website had not been updated and
the press releases had not been finalized, this pre-announcement by
slashdot caused confusion and "stole the thunder" from the official
announcement.  The lesson here is that the documentation and tarballs
should be embargoed in a completely private place that no one other than
those involved in the finalization stage have access to.

The X.Org website and freedesktop website need to be made public at very
nearly the same time.  The official website should be X.Org with
freedesktop as a mirror.  However, since few people have access to the
X.Org website, the freedesktop site was set up first and the X.Org site
files were copied from there.  This could have been handled better by
embargoing the release.

The press release needs to be prepared well ahead of time so that the
official announcement sent to the press/mailing lists and the unveiling
of the websites can be done simultaneously.

Discussion points:
* How much ahead of time does the press release need to be sent to the
  appropriate press outlets in order for it to be released at a specific
  time (i.e., the time that the embargo is lifted)?
* What other mirror sites are available?  What should be done to
  coordinate with them to make the release available on their sites as
  soon as possible after the announcement?

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