Call Monday 24 Jan 2005

Daniel Stone
Tue Jan 25 21:01:17 PST 2005

On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 05:55:20AM +0100, Roland Mainz wrote:
> That patch was the original idea from my old employer to have it in
> Mozilla, however the patch never really worked (outside Solaris) and to
> get it working it would have required to import lots of X11 sources into
> the Mozilla tree. Additionally didn't like the license (the
> plugin source is MIT/, Mozilla wants MPL or MPL+GPL or MPL+LGPL).

Er, so if it cannot work without published X headers, how will it go in a
modular X world?

> And then it turned out that NS4.x+Konqueror wouldn't be covered by such
> a patch and the whole idea of a Mozilla integration was dropped in favor
> of an internal X11 codeline (shipping the plugin with the commercial
> products which use it). In the meantime I switched jobs and CERN staff
> independently (e.g. I wasn't involved in that work) developed a similar
> patch for their environment. And around three years later then the issue
> hit the new bugzilla
> ( being AFAIK the first
> one, however I was ignoring that after forwaring the issue to the CERN
> people (who failed to donate any of their patches to the (old)
> Consortium and did't had much faith that anything will move). After the
> second bugzilla bug was filed I looked at it and simply fixed the issue
> (which means the new patch in the tree is a cleanroom
> implementation as the old patch in the bugzilla was written
> for my old employer) for now (that's why I said "... I am slightly
> familar with that code..."... I worked already on that long long ago so
> the whole stuff wasn't a total mystery for me :) until CERN moves their
> patches into the (Foundation) tree.

Ah, OK.  Thanks for the explanation.  I'm still unclear on why integrating it
into the Mozilla tree as a concept (or simply just a small external project)
isn't better, however -- I'm not quite convinced of its worth any more than I am
of VNC viewers, for example.

> > Have you fixed yet?
> That was fixed with the newer patch. The new plugin works with Mozilla,
> Konqueror and Netscape 4.x.

Good to hear.
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