Call Monday 24 Jan 2005

Daniel Stone
Tue Jan 25 23:18:36 PST 2005

On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 07:40:19AM +0100, Roland Mainz wrote:
> (and it
> doesn't make a consens just because Daniel asked his fellows on IRC to
> post some "good change... hurray"-emails to the list afterwards)).

No, I did not, and I think you owe an apology to Eric and Mike, who are capable
of independent thought, and certainly not my 'fellows'.

> And it's not
> nice either that Daniel permanetly runs around and offends people
> intentionally (not counting todays item with the
> MAS-doesn't-belong-here-"fun").

I don't mind what MAS does or doesn't do, but the reality is that it is not a
part of, by choice of the MAS team, and I was merely correcting
such a fact.  Whether or not it is part of X.Org or whatever is another matter,
but the reality is that it uses no resources, and the only link
to fd.o is a link off a Wiki, which would make roughly the entire world a fd.o
project.  You are conflating issues here.
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