[xkb] Re: new layout

Alan Coopersmith Alan.Coopersmith at Sun.COM
Wed Mar 16 17:35:22 PST 2005

Would you like to start checking the changes into the Xorg monolothic
tree yourself then?   If you're willing to do the work of sync'ing it
up with your xkeyboard-config tree, I'm sure we could work that out
without much trouble.

As far as I know the only reason no one is updating the Xorg xkb data
files is because no one has volunteered to take that on.

	-Alan Coopersmith-           alan.coopersmith at sun.com
	 Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

Sergey V. Udaltsov wrote:
> I absolutely agree - and that is the question I asked Mike Harris
> (Fedora's X maintainer) today:
> <mharris> It appears the files included in Xorg itself never get
> bugfixed/updated.
> <svu_> mharris, exactly! Noone cares about layouts in the big xorg tree
> - the bugs are just hanging around...
> <mharris> svu_: We've got a pretty full plate of issues right now, but
> if the list shrinks in the next 2 weeks significantly, I can bring it up
> on our weekly confcalls for discussion.
> <mharris> Or should I say...
> <mharris> I can bring the motion to the table for feasibility
> determination.
> I am really unhappy with the situation we have now - bugs are fixed but
> end-users do not have any benefits from this... Unfortunately all I can
> do is to chase xorg people asking same questions again and again...
> Sergey
> On Thu, 2005-03-17 at 01:13 +0100, Danilo Segan wrote:
>>Today at 0:35, Sergey V. Udaltsov wrote:
>>>Well, as I keep telling, xkeyboard-config will not be used in the
>>>monolythic tree (well, some distributions may decide differently). It is
>>>intented for the modular xorg release, speaking of which I cite a couple
>>>of lines from IRC:
>>I wonder for purely practical and lazyness reasons: I have so far
>>submitted any fixes I had only to xkeyboard-config repository (now, it
>>would be a mess to send basically same, but still slightly different
>>fixes to 3 different places).  But, distributions seem to ship with
>>older, unfixed sets of layouts.
>>And that is *bad*.
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